Dublin Airport Terminal 2’s journey with smart building technology started during its construction in 2010. ABB Cylon® Building Automation and Controls was introduced for comprehensive and efficient energy management. At a later stage, the airport authority began exploring its energy operation further by analyzing energy consumption and targeting savings.
A total of 420 utility meters were initially connected in Terminal 2 to ABB Cylon® Active Energy to monitor different areas as HVAC, lighting, airline lounges, and much more. In 2017 a new set of requirements, such as the need to pull all the metering data into one place and the ability to deliver different output reports were raised. These led to the expansion of the system and the implementation of ABB’s newest offering.
Currently, ABB Ability™ Building Analyzer, the enhanced, rebranded ABB Active Energy solution, is deployed across the entire airport, including both terminals, campus and airfield buildings. Over 1,600 meters are currently connected to the solution to help track, analyze, and report on energy and water consumption, utilities, and sustainability. The input is gathered from several data sources into one system.